Production and sale of CNC benches
CNC benches controlled by IT solutions are nowadays a completely common solution even in smaller production companies. While standard solutions are sufficient for many of them, it is always worth considering the use of a CNC bench specifically based on production.
We are one of the few CNC bench manufacturers in Estonia. Our goal is to offer “tailored solutions”, we manufacture CNC benches for plasma cutting, laser cutting and milling exactly according to the customer’s needs.
We give a two-year warranty on manufactured benches. All parts of the device are covered by the warranty, except for the parts of the device that are delivered by the customer himself.
We also provide training for bench operators of CNC benches.
Prices of CNC benches made by us:
Plasma bench 1500×3000 200A – price from 18,000 euros + km.
Plasma bench 1500×6000 200A – price from 22000 euros+km.
Plasma bench 2000×6000 200A – price from 26000 euros+km.
Recommendations when ordering a CNC bench:
When ordering a CNC bench, we recommend that you map out your needs and consider the following circumstances:
1) What material do you want to make the parts from?
If you want to cut metals, a plasma, laser or water cutter.
If you want to cut with a thickness over 50mm, then a gas or water cutter.
2) CNC bench table size
How big parts do you want to make with a CNC bench? The size of the CNC bench worktop depends on this.
At the same time, when choosing the size of the workbench, we recommend also based on the dimensions of the raw materials offered on the market (for example, a sheet steel plate is usually 1.5m x 3m or larger 2m x 6m)
3) CNC bench generator selection
We recommend choosing a slightly more powerful generator than is optimally necessary for the production of original parts. In case you want to change the source data in such a way that the load increases, the bench can still provide high-quality work, and you don’t have to start getting a more powerful generator for the bench or buying a new CNC bench.
4) CNC bench installation conditions
The location of the bench should have ventilation, electricity, compressed air and proper grounding.
5) Filter unit with heat recovery
We recommend purchasing a filter unit with heat recovery, as for example, FCAW, MMA, MIG welding, thermal cutting and plasma cutting usually emit a larger amount of fumes containing solid particles, while TIG, plasma, oxygen and laser welding, laser cutting and submerged arc welding usually emit very few vapors.
The nature of the vapors released during cutting depends on the material being cut and the coating of this material. Cutting stainless steel is potentially the most dangerous because the fumes released during cutting contain chromium and nickel. Copper and copper alloys are also often cut, and with these metals there is also a significant risk of fumes being released
6) Safety
All HPP plasma systems operate on an open circuit 300V DC high voltage principle. For safety, the workpiece and work table must be grounded.
Do not cut near cylinders that can catch fire or explode. The distance between the balloons and the bench must be at least 3 meters